About the MPRE
The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) is an examination developed by NCBE that is a part of the Bar Exam overall but administered separately from the MPT, MEE, and MBE. The MPRE covers the ethics portion of the Bar Exam.
The purpose of the MPRE is to measure candidates' knowledge and understanding of established standards related to the professional conduct of lawyers. The law governing the conduct of lawyers is applied in bar admissions and disciplinary procedures, as well as through court hearings dealing with appearance, disqualification, contempt and other means of censure, and through malpractice and other civil or criminal matters.
See the NCBE page for more information.
MPRE basics:
2 hours
60-question multiple-choice examination
4 answer choices
2 minutes per question
10 questions are ungraded
administered three times per year at Perason VUE testing centers
The fee is $160
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Needs To Take the MPRE?
The MPRE is required for admission to the bars of all but two US jurisdictions (Wisconsin and Puerto Rico). (Note that Connecticut and New Jersey accept successful completion of a law school course on professional responsibility in lieu of a passing score on the MPRE.)
When To Take the MPRE?
The MPRE is offered three times a year (typically March, August, and November). Many students take the exam during their second year of law school and it makes sense to do so after taking LAW-609, Professional Responsibility, in order to capitalize on the material being fresh in your mind.
It is generally best to have completed the MPRE by the time you get ready to study for the bar exam. In any case, plan your MPRE around your intended bar exam so that it isn't a distraction from your studying for the latter.
Registering for the MPRE
Registration Deadline
Test Dates
Registration Deadline
Test Dates
Registration Deadline
Test Dates
Passing MPRE Scores
Different jurisdictions accept different passing scores. The easiest way to find out what score the state you are interested in accepts may be to go to the NCBE interactive NCBE map and click on the state, then scroll down to "MPRE Requirements" to see the passing score.
The passing score in Arizona is 85, which is equivalent to about 65% correct answers on the test.
MPRE Score Expiration
Different jurisdictions set different rules for the maximum age of MPRE scores, so best check the requirements of your jurisdiction.
In Arizona, an applicant must receive "a minimum acceptable score within eight (8) years of the successful Arizona bar examination or within the time frame for taking the oath of admission after the successful bar examination." See Rule 35(b)(8).
- NCBE page on How to Apply for MPRE Accommodations